Upgrading Grins: 3 Concerns Cosmetic Dentistry Can Address

December 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — elwoodavenue @ 5:04 pm
Woman with dark curly hair in dental chair smiling at her reflection

Aesthetic flaws in your teeth can detract from your daily quality of life in several ways. If you feel self-conscious about your dental condition, you’re less likely to engage in social activities for fear of being judged. This can lead to less rewarding relationships and fewer professional or educational opportunities.

Thankfully, your dentist provides several cosmetic services to upgrade your grin and boost your confidence, but many patients aren’t sure where to start. Continue reading to learn more about 3 common concerns and how they’re addressed!


Cosmetic Candidates: Do You Need to Upgrade Your Grin?

November 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — elwoodavenue @ 8:03 pm
Closeup of woman with hazel eyes and blond hair smiling

One of the first things that other people notice about you is the quality of your smile, and it’s only natural to want to make a great first impression. Unfortunately, aesthetic issues like chips, cracks, and stubborn stains can detract from your appearance and leave you anxious about how others might perceive you.

Thankfully, your dentist can provide one or several cosmetic services to address any areas of concern so that you can look and feel like the best version of yourself! Continue reading to learn about 3 popular procedures that can upgrade your grin and boost your confidence!


Root Canal Recovery: What Happens Next?

October 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — elwoodavenue @ 2:01 pm
A patient resting after getting a root canal

Root canals often make patients anxious, even at the mention of it, but it’s an essential treatment to save your tooth and relieve pain. The procedure itself feels more like getting a filling, but there can be some soreness afterward. If you’re wondering what recovery from a root canal looks like, continue reading. You’ll learn what to expect and how to care for your tooth to ensure a smooth healing process.


4 Big Lies About Root Canals

September 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — elwoodavenue @ 3:52 pm
A man covering his mouth in fear.

Myths and urban legends can be fun around a campfire, but when it comes to your oral health scary stories and misinformation can be downright dangerous. If you’ve been told you need a root canal but are hesitant to green-light the procedure because of rumors you may have heard, here are a few common misconceptions about them, and their truths. Because no tall tale should ever get in the way of protecting your health!


Tired of Denture Sores? Here’s What You Need to Know

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — elwoodavenue @ 5:16 pm
Close up of mature adult male rubbing his jaw at the park

Whether it’s a pinpoint toothache or tender denture sores, oral pain is no fun. Some might even say it’s the worst place to get an ache. You may or may not be on that end of the spectrum, but either way, no one wants you to be hurting – least of all your dentist!

When it comes to dental discomfort, your dentist should always be one of the first people you contact. That’s what they’ve trained for, after all. While you wait for your appointment, though, it would be helpful to try and determine the source of your pain and alleviate what you can. Keep reading for more information.


Life Lessons: Learning to Eat with Dentures

May 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — elwoodavenue @ 6:31 pm
Group of younger and older adult enjoying a meal together at the kitchen table

If you’ve suffered from tooth loss, you probably have already experienced frustration with the changes it brings. Struggling with basic tasks like eating, speaking, and smiling can have a detrimental impact on your daily quality of life. Fortunately, your dentist can rebuild your grin with dentures. These versatile prosthetics can be adapted to replace a few or all your missing teeth. You’ll once again be able to speak clearly and enjoy meals with loved ones.

Learning to chew with dentures does require some time and patience, though. It can take about a month for your mouth to acclimate to your restoration. It’s crucial to be kind to yourself during this adjustment period, as your muscles relearn the basics. In the meantime, keep reading for 3 helpful tips to guide you through this process!


Is Getting a Dental Crown Uncomfortable?

March 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — elwoodavenue @ 6:52 pm
Lady thinks something over

A dental crown is a cap designed to fit over the visible section of a tooth, and it is used to restore a tooth after injury or decay, to anchor a dental bridge into place, or to address cosmetic issues like misshapen teeth or discoloration. Modern dental crowns are incredibly lifelike, allowing them to restore a tooth’s beauty as well as its function. If you’ve never gotten one before, you may be wondering if the process will hurt. Here’s what you can expect when receiving a dental crown.


Don’t Wait to Get Your Dental Fillings

December 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — elwoodavenue @ 12:53 am

Model of a tooth-colored filling on a molarDid you know that 92% of adults will experience tooth decay? Your teeth are regularly exposed to cavity-causing bacteria from sugars and starches in the foods and drinks you consume. Bacteria can weaken your enamel until a small hole forms. No amount of brushing can reverse tooth decay. Your dentist can spot the early signs of enamel loss during routine cleanings and checkups. They’ll recommend a dental filling to protect your tooth from eventually needing to be removed. If you’ve been delaying treatment, don’t wait any longer. Use your dental insurance for the filling you need before your coverage expires.


Timeless Teeth: How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Reverse the Clock

November 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — elwoodavenue @ 7:23 pm
Older man in gray sweater in dentist's chair smiling

Age can impact your body in a lot of ways including your oral health, and these changes can leave you feeling embarrassed or self-conscious about your appearance. No one wants to look older than they feel! Fortunately, your dentist can restore a much more youthful smile with cosmetic dentistry. If you’re curious to learn how, keep reading to learn about 3 ways that growing older impacts your teeth, and how your dentist can reverse the clock!


3 Things Worth Knowing about Dental Insurance

October 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — elwoodavenue @ 8:56 am
dental insurance form on a table

Navigating any kind of insurance can be a little bit difficult, and dental insurance even more so. You’ll find that a lot of the rules are different from what you’re used to from your normal health insurance, which may leave you at a little bit of a loss for how to make the best use of your benefits.

Thankfully, keeping just a few tips in mind can do a lot to help you get the most out of your dental insurance. Here are some things worth keeping in mind that could be of use to you.

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