Life Lessons: Learning to Eat with Dentures

May 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — elwoodavenue @ 6:31 pm
Group of younger and older adult enjoying a meal together at the kitchen table

If you’ve suffered from tooth loss, you probably have already experienced frustration with the changes it brings. Struggling with basic tasks like eating, speaking, and smiling can have a detrimental impact on your daily quality of life. Fortunately, your dentist can rebuild your grin with dentures. These versatile prosthetics can be adapted to replace a few or all your missing teeth. You’ll once again be able to speak clearly and enjoy meals with loved ones.

Learning to chew with dentures does require some time and patience, though. It can take about a month for your mouth to acclimate to your restoration. It’s crucial to be kind to yourself during this adjustment period, as your muscles relearn the basics. In the meantime, keep reading for 3 helpful tips to guide you through this process!
